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PSPO-A Practice Assessment

Explore Your Scrum Knowledge: Take the PSPO-A Practice Assessment Today!

1 / 38

Product A has a budget that is twice that of Product B. Both serve the same set of customers. Does Product A create more value for the customers than Product B? (Choose the best answer)

2 / 38

A "cone of uncertainty" can be used to do what? (Choose the bestanswer)

3 / 38

Which of the following would likely be the least effective way to enhance the agility of your future product development? (Choose the least effective approach)

4 / 38

You are a Product Owner of a Product with low current value, and the recent releases have not succeeded in improving that, though the unrealized value of the Product is high. Due to the high product cost ratio, you have a low capacity, and the time to market is also long. As a Product Owner focused on the long-term viability of your Product, which strategy should you choose? (Choose the best answer)

5 / 38

Product Backlog refinement thrives for the "ready" Product Backlog Items. How small should it be? (Choose the best answer)

6 / 38

What would be the best way to have multiple teams get started on a multi-product initiative? (Choose the best answer)

7 / 38

You are a Product Owner of two Products, Product A and Product B. The analysis shows that

  • Product A is a revenue-generating Product with a high current value but has low potential in the market and hence low unrealized value,
  • Product B is a new Product in the market that has a high unrealized value but carries a low current value.

Using the data points above to take a long-term view, which option should you pursue as a Product Owner? (Choose the best answer)

8 / 38

What percent of the time should a Product Owner dedicate to the Scrum Team? (Choose the best two answers)

9 / 38

The leading revenue-producing product in your portfolio has:

a.) High Current value

b.)Low Unrealized value.

The product has been losing customers for several years, and revenues are down. Using the 2 data points and options below, what is your first action? (Choose the best answer)

10 / 38

An influential stakeholder pushes you to add more features to a Product. The study shows that the product is suffering from a declining customer base, which is due to the shrinking market opportunities and not a lack of features. Being a Product Owner, what action you might consider? (Choose the best two answers)

11 / 38

The CEO and the CTO of the company have approached you with two competing features that they suggest you add to the Product. As you did not get a chance to validate the value that the features might bring to the Product, you decide to take on the Experimenter stance. What would best describe the Experimenter? (Choose the best answer)

12 / 38

In order to make investment decisions, the Product Owner is likely to look at the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the product being built. What costs will a Product Owner take into account? (Choose the best answer)

13 / 38

During the Sprint Review, a couple of the features have not been received well by the end users. One of the stakeholders feels that the product is not at the stage where it's useful to measure data yet. The Product Owner has validated that the measures are accurate, a good representation of user satisfaction, and valuable to help you and your team. What should the Product Owner do? (choose the best option)

14 / 38

You are a product owner for a scrum team, who has refined the product backlog based on description, order, and size. John, a program manager with the PMO overseeing the group of projects youare working on & requests you to place a new item at the top of the product backlog. What should you do? (Choose the best option)

15 / 38

What are some signs that an investor or shareholder can look for to determine if a product is delivering value and fulfilling its purpose? (Choose all that apply)

16 / 38

Your product has several internal stakeholders. You've gathered the following feedback related to product direction:

- The CEO thinks the feature is too expensive and suggests staying focused on the market you're currently serving.

- The CMO tells you that there's a new market opportunity and believes that in order to reach it, the product will need a new feature.

- The Developers estimate that this new feature will require a high level of effort.

As the Product Owner, you have full ownership of final productdecisions. How should you proceed? (Choose the best answer)

17 / 38

What all activities can lead to improvement in current value (CV)? (Choose all that apply)

18 / 38

Which is the smallest valuable Product Increment that is enough to be released to the end customers? (Choose the best answer)

19 / 38

What strategy might help when a Product Owner is very busy working with all the teams working on the same Product? (Choose the best answer)

20 / 38

The Complex Product often requires quick validations of the assumptions for adaptability. One way to validate the assumptions is through frequent product releases. What benefits do they serve? (Choose the best answer)

21 / 38

What would a Product Owner do if Developers inform during the Sprint that they won't be able to complete everything they forecasted for the Sprint (Choose the best answer) 

22 / 38

Data shows that your Product can achieve higher market share as it has high unrealized value.

  • The Marketing Manager is pushing to reduce the price to attract more customers.
  • The Finance Managerfears that lowering the price would reduce the Product's profitability.

What sources of information should you consider when deciding whether to drop the price as the Marketing Manager suggests? (Choose the best of four answers)

23 / 38

When should organizations reduce the investments in their product? (Choose the best answer)

24 / 38

What is a benefit of frequent product releases? (Choose the best answer)

25 / 38

You are a product owner, and working to sort various user stories by value during the current sprint. A key stakeholder comes to you in the middle of the current sprint and asks you to add a feature that was earlier deemed unnecessary by the customer. What is the best thing to do? (Choose the best answer)

26 / 38

When is the Sprint Backlog created? (Choose the best answer)

27 / 38

How can a Product Owner bring a Product Goal to life? (Choose the best three options)

  • By utilizing the empirical product planning features of Scrum
  • Leading, training, and coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption & seeking approval on Product Goals from Senior Management
  • Helping employees and stakeholders understand and enact an empirical approach for complex work and removing barriers between stakeholders and Scrum Teams
  • Via the Product Backlog and iterating towards that Goal in every Sprint
  • Communicate and re-iterate his Product Goal early and often to the Scrum Team and the Key Stakeholders
  • It's Scrum Master’s responsibility. Ask the Scrum Master to bring the Goal to the Scrum Team and the Key Stakeholders


28 / 38

You are a Product Owner for a new product that has many stakeholders. You currently have a large unordered list of features. Consider the following: -

  • You have a limited time box where all stakeholders can gather at the same time.
  • You need to quickly gather their feedback regarding the importance of several features.

This information will be used to help you formulate an initial product roadmap. Which of the following tools would help you quickly gather their feedback? (choose the best option)

29 / 38

During the development effort of your product, you have been frequently approached by various stakeholders asking for new features. You feel that a lot of the requests are either not aligned with the Product's vision or do not contribute to the Product's forward progress. As a Product Owner, which tool can help stakeholders steer on outcome (value steering) rather thansteer on output (steering on features)? (Choose the best answer)

30 / 38

You are a new Product Owner brought in to fix an existing product. The product is integral to the organization's long-term vision. When examining the issues you were able to learn that:

  • The last three releases have had no positive impact on product value.
  • The costs to build and maintain a release is high compared to the revenue it generates. i.e. Product Cost Ratio.
  • The time from which the team starts working on a release to having it shipped to users is long. i.e. Time-to-Market.

As the Product Owner, which strategy would you pursue? (Choose the best answer)

31 / 38

A separate Product Backlog is needed for every: (Choose the best answer)

32 / 38

What activities can impede a team from being able to deliver new capabilities and value as part of the Ability to Innovate (A2I)? (Choose the best three options)

33 / 38

When should a Product Owner update the project plan? (Choose the best answer)

34 / 38

You want to know the potential value that your product could, but does not yet, deliver. Which of the following is the most helpful? (Choose the best answer)

35 / 38

Personas can help to: (Choose the best answer)

36 / 38

Which of the following are examples of Key Value Measures for Current Value (CV)? (Choose the best three options)

37 / 38

At the end of the eighth Sprint, the internal stakeholders are upset and angry with the progress of the product being built. The current state of the product is not as expected and will require additional Sprints and more budget than originally anticipated at the start of the project. What factors may have led to this? (Choose the best two answers)

38 / 38

What factors should a Product Owner consider to evaluate if the Product is delivering value? (Choose all that apply)

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Scrum Master Job Interview

In this webinar, I am interviewing Saheli Sarkar for a fictitious Scrum Master position.
You will learn:

  • How a typical job interview happens
  • Pitfalls and how to avoid those
  • Some best practices for answering interview questions

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Scrum Master Interview Secrets: Decoding the Interviewer’s Mind

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How much do you know about OKR?

Take this quiz and see how well you understand the OKR framework

1 / 15

Which of the following is an example of a well-defined objective in OKR?

2 / 15

Sarah is a team lead and wants to set OKRs for her team. What is the recommended number of Objectives she should set?

3 / 15

In OKR, what is the typical time frame for setting Objectives?

4 / 15

True or False: OKR should be aligned from top to bottom.

5 / 15

What is the primary purpose of conducting a weekly check-in meeting in OKR?

6 / 15

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of stretch goals in OKR?

7 / 15

How frequently should progress on Key Results be updated in OKR?

8 / 15

In OKR, what is the purpose of setting aspirational objectives?

9 / 15

True or False: OKRs are primarily used for performance evaluation and determining individual bonuses.

10 / 15

How can OKRs help with alignment in an organization?

11 / 15

What is the recommended level of transparency in OKR?

12 / 15

In OKR, what is the purpose of tracking progress on Key Results?

13 / 15

True or False: OKR is a static goal-setting framework that doesn't allow for adjustments or revisions throughout the quarter.

14 / 15

What is a Key Result in OKR?

15 / 15

What is the purpose of OKRs?

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