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[Aman Kukrety] Immediate Solution would be to get in touch with the entire Scrum Team and try to identify the root cause behind the issue. Issues can ...
[Matthew Shea] If you aren't missing 50% of your sprints, you are being too conservative in your estimation process. Missing sprint goals is completel...
[Prathiba N] Immediate action : 1. Call for an immediate team meeting or ad-hoc discussion.2. Create an environment where team members feel comfortabl...
[Murali Mohan Narayanabhantla] Much before proposing a short term plan, I tend to use the CDE model to observe the team and the interactions amongst t...
[Khagendra Deore] mmediate Action - Analysing the committed work items in the last few sprints. Checking whether the team committed above the capacity...
[Rashmi Mhadesar] Immediate action Plan will be1. Set up a meeting with scrum team to understand there challenges2. Understand whether team is aware o...
[Manoj Jha] Some of the reasons for missing Sprint goals. First, find out the reasons or causes:1. Overcommitment 2. Incomplete requirements 3. Scope ...
[Chethan Venkateshan] My observation usually teams missing sprint goals often have these challenges some times combination of them. As coach mostly I ...
[Tarun Bhatt] MOOperational part:Align team on vision of product than identify gap which are mostly around, DOD n DOR for stories, Also setup a clear ...
[Jinu Mathew] While I like the cricket and kabbadi example; I’m Indian and have never played nor watched either. So my answer to cricket question woul...
[Ayushi Garg] Basically team will work on a set of features/requirements for a fixed duration (two weeks probably) and development/testing will happen...
[Vivek Jadhav] Though many scenario questions how you explain agile to your granny, Son and all. This is the best way to ask this question. But nowada...
[Yagna Narayana Sarma Alur] Kabaddi is such a classic example you can see team huddle up and all have role to play for team success. They all have one...
[.Been cooke] What is so frightening about "keywords" from the Scrum guide to you? There's nothing wrong with asking a candidate to explain something ...
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In this webinar, I am interviewing Saheli Sarkar for a fictitious Scrum Master position.
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