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[Sirisha K] mpediment is one which prevents scrum team member to achieve sprint goal. it can be any kind of impediment technical, functional , environ...
[Heena Kumari] n this scenario, as he is not willing to understand.Being the Agile coach, 1. I need to change my hat upto his role 2. I will perform i...
[Debarati Roy Gupta] Impediment is something which is hindrance towards achieving sprint goal.If any associate becomes impediment that means other te...
[Arun Kumar P] As per one of the Agile values responding to the change as per the priority and how important the change is and the same will be discus...
[K Shathrugan] ay team has committed for 40 story points, and the stakeholder wants to put up a new work worth 10 pts.Then, in this case we just have ...
[Saptarshi Dey] A high-quality influential stakeholder in the Sprint should be someone with decision-making authority and a significant impact on the ...
[Suganya Periasamy] As a SM, setup time with the same stakeholder and PO to understand the urgency. If the answers are valid then we can adjust the ex...
[Prathibha N] In this situation, it's important for the product owner (po) to engage in the conversation with the stake holder to understand the criti...
[Biplab Subedi] 1. Facilitate the conversation between the influential stakeholder and PO.2. Enable the PO to clarify the importance of the ongoing Sp...
[Nitesh K Jaiswal] As a scrum Master you have to coach PO to deal with this kind of impediment, he can't be helpless as he is the main source to get c...
[Aishwarya M Aralikatte] In an ideal world- I would chat with PO to see if there is any impact on the sprint goal. If the ask is not changing the spri...
[Laxmi N] Mid sprint changes that have nothing to do with sprint goal but disturb the current sprint commitment are tough but not unheard. Initial und...
[Mohit Budhiraja] We need to first understand this change is important for key influencing stakeholder because of following possible reasons1. Externa...
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In this webinar, I am interviewing Saheli Sarkar for a fictitious Scrum Master position.
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