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[Doug Rabow] If the new team member is an engineer typically their default setting is design thinking. Scrum should support the way they do their work...
[Jinu Mathew] While I like the cricket and kabbadi example; I’m Indian and have never played nor watched either. So my answer to cricket question woul...
[Michael Lloyd] I wouldnt. If I am avoiding words fron the guide, I am avoiding scrum. I would instead talk about the benefits if rapid experimentatio...
[Murali Mohan Narayanabhatla] Me: you must have played Cricket, did you?New joiner: Yes, I did. I was a bowler myself.Me: Fantastic - Think of our tea...
[Ayotunde Iromini] One of the primary roles of the Scrum Master is to remove any impediments or roadblocks that the team encounters in its work. This ...
[Singh Rajbir] Backlog Prioritization is first step Project Manager knows a project like a story / set of short stories. Similar to a movie, before a ...
[Kushal Deshpande] The PO may have multiple source of information and inputs to his decisions, Sometimes dependencies and limitations too play a signi...
[Sahil Jain] Involving the stakeholders in the prioritisation process can create better alignment and buy-in.Also clear communication and clarity on P...
[Amit Kumar Gupta] The Product owner should be educated and convinced about the need of prioritisation and how it helps his upstream and downstream to...
[Debarati Roy Gupta] Scrum guide says "For Product Owners to succeed, the entire organization must respect their decisions. These decisions are visibl...
[Mirnal Singh] Scrum guide says: The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. H...
[Tanmoy Aichroy] Educating a PO about the importance of maintaining prioritization for effective product development. Following various steps we as Sc...
[Avishek Patra] As a Scrum Master, it's imperative for me to advise and guide the PO on various prioritisation techniques which can help create a shar...
[Karthik Nagarajan Venkataramani] I would encourage the PO to be transparent in their ways of working when it comes to prioritisation to the entire te...
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In this webinar, I am interviewing Saheli Sarkar for a fictitious Scrum Master position.
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