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During Sprint Revie...
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During Sprint Review, how do you ensure that stakeholders provide constructive feedback to the Scrum team? Can you share an example of how you managed stakeholder expectations during a Sprint Review meeting?

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Few steps I would take for constructive feedback :

1. Identify all stakeholders , arrange them in interest impact matrix and their preferred mode of communication etc

2. Try to invite stakehokders during review who has HIGH impact and HIGH interest in physical or during teams call so that their immediate feedback is captured and we do not miss an opportunity to inspect and adapt.

3. Remind ourselves with basic agile value i.e. Working software over comprehensive documentation.

3. Focus on the outcome that our team has created and how our solution has solved the customer problem with the innovation and novelty.

4. Collaborate with stakeholders and understand their perspective , any opportunity to improve, matket needs and demands, time criticality etc

4. Stakeholders should feel confident and feel value for their money. 

5. Inform other stakeholders who could  not join in person with their preferred mode of communication.

Regular collaboration , transparent and informed decisions and keeping remain focussed on scrum values helped to manage stakeholder expectations. 

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Posts: 217
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Joined: 1 year ago

In one of my previous roles as a Scrum Master, during a Sprint Review, a stakeholder expressed concerns about the user interface of a new feature we were developing. Instead of merely noting her feedback, I proactively engaged her in a discussion to understand specific pain points. We discovered that the issue stemmed from a misalignment between the design requirements and stakeholder expectations.

To address this, I facilitated a collaborative session between the stakeholders and the development team in the following sprint. We used visual aids and prototypes to clarify design elements and ensure a shared understanding. Additionally, I encouraged stakeholders to provide specific, actionable feedback based on their end-user experience.

As a result, she felt heard and valued, and they provided constructive feedback that directly influenced the product backlog. By actively involving stakeholders in the review process and addressing their concerns transparently, we not only improved the user interface but also strengthened trust and collaboration between the team and stakeholders.


So, here are the key steps on how I handled it:

  1. I ensured everyone had a chance to voice their opinions and asked clarifying questions to understand the root of the concerns.

  2. I acknowledged the concerns and thanked the stakeholders for their feedback. This shows respect and creates a safe space for further discussion.

  3. I facilitated a discussion between the stakeholders and the development team. This encouraged open communication and allowed the team to explain their design choices and rationale.

  4. Instead of dwelling on the problem, I guided the conversation towards potential solutions. We collaboratively explored options and identified specific next steps to address the feedback.

  5. I clarified that the team would consider all feedback and make appropriate adjustments based on feasibility and priority. This helped set realistic expectations and avoid disappointment.


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Take this quiz and see how well you understand the OKR framework

1 / 15

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How can OKRs help with alignment in an organization?

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What is the recommended level of transparency in OKR?

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In OKR, what is the purpose of tracking progress on Key Results?

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True or False: OKR is a static goal-setting framework that doesn't allow for adjustments or revisions throughout the quarter.

14 / 15

What is a Key Result in OKR?

15 / 15

What is the purpose of OKRs?

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