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Developers are sugg...
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Developers are suggesting that as they are collaborating throughout the day and inspecting their progress, the Daily Scrum is redundant. What will be your approach to discuss with the developers?

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[Gayatri Achary] Daily stand up or Daily scrum is all about having interaction with people face to face on everyday basic to discuss progress and other challenges to have good understanding and collaboration. This is the first principles -

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools . PO/ BA/can participate the daily scrum as a mute listeners unless any clarification required. SM needs to coach the team how to run this to save time and quick solutions to challenges.It should be continued even though team is self organised for new ideas and human interactions🙂 and having a fearless environment.
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[Ravi Wray] Many folks have covered the points already. To add a point to the discussion, yes everyone collaborates throughout the day however there's always one person in the team who may not have gotten a chance to express or engage himself/ herself with others for various reasons (could be busy in completing unfinished tasks etc.). So the daily scrum is an opportunity for each one to discuss. If the team thinks everything is discussed we could still meet and see if we are good or anything or anyone missed out or has a point or idea or blocker.

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[James Pels] If the purpose of the duly scrum is being met, then it's fine by me. I would expect the team to treat it as any experiment: what are the intended outcomes? How will we know if it is successful? How will we know if it fails? Review in retros and keep / adapt / drop as relevant.

Role of the SM here is to ensure the team applies a degree of rigour to its experiments, exposes pertinent data to aid decision making, advises potential pitfalls, coaches then through the process and so on, not to be scrum police. A team mature enough to make this decision in an informed way is mature enough to diverge from "pure" scrum if they find ways of working that are better for them.

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[Siddhesh Dongare] Both process (scrum event) and discipline are crucial for achieving results or outcomes. It appears that the team might not have a clear understanding of the Daily Scrum's purpose, as mentioned in the interviewer's question.

The Daily Scrum is a brief, time-limited meeting that offers various advantages:

1. Synchronization: It ensures that everyone is informed about their teammates' tasks and any possible interdependencies or conflicts.

2. Problem Identification: This meeting serves as a platform for recognizing obstacles or issues that could impede progress. It enables us to promptly address these challenges.

3. Alignment: The Daily Scrum aids in maintaining the team's focus on the sprint goal and enables them to adapt their plans as needed.

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How much do you know about OKR?

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1 / 15

Which of the following is an example of a well-defined objective in OKR?

2 / 15

Sarah is a team lead and wants to set OKRs for her team. What is the recommended number of Objectives she should set?

3 / 15

In OKR, what is the typical time frame for setting Objectives?

4 / 15

True or False: OKR should be aligned from top to bottom.

5 / 15

What is the primary purpose of conducting a weekly check-in meeting in OKR?

6 / 15

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of stretch goals in OKR?

7 / 15

How frequently should progress on Key Results be updated in OKR?

8 / 15

In OKR, what is the purpose of setting aspirational objectives?

9 / 15

True or False: OKRs are primarily used for performance evaluation and determining individual bonuses.

10 / 15

How can OKRs help with alignment in an organization?

11 / 15

What is the recommended level of transparency in OKR?

12 / 15

In OKR, what is the purpose of tracking progress on Key Results?

13 / 15

True or False: OKR is a static goal-setting framework that doesn't allow for adjustments or revisions throughout the quarter.

14 / 15

What is a Key Result in OKR?

15 / 15

What is the purpose of OKRs?

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